Paws Planet

Rescue Kitten Comforts Dying Girl And Helps The Rest Of Her Family Heal

“I’ve heard people describe animals like angels. I never really understood what that meant until Liza met Kylie.” — Robin Myers, Kylie’s mom.

Kylie Myers, a lovely girl who was diagnosed with metastatic bone cancer at the age of 12. Despite being painful and tired, the little girl never gave up and courageously battled the cancer. Sadly, on her last day of treatment, doctors found that the disease had spread throughout her body and her family knew that Kylie wasn’t going to be with them much longer.

Courtesy of Mutual Rescue

However, in her final days, the courageous and free-spirited girl was comforted by her rescue kitten, Liza. Her family rescued Liza from a local rescue group. The kitten had a bum eye, scraggly fur and had a rough start to life.

She bonded with Liza and her loving family before she crossed the rainbow bridge. Kylie’s last requests are that her father helps find a cure for childhood cancer and that her mother takes care of her baby kitten.

Courtesy of Mutual Rescue

Nothing can fill the void of a loved one lost, but in the same way she bonded with Kylie when she most needed her, Liza knew how to help the rest of the family heal and comforted them in the saddest days.

Since Kylie’s death, her parents have worked tirelessly to raise awareness of childhood cancer, and animal adoption. Here is the heartfelt story of Myers family and Liza, which was made into a film called Mutual Rescue by the Humane Society Silicon Valley. The film hopes to show the human-animal bond and promote animal rescue.

Watch the video here!

Don’t forget to share this video with everyone! This video made us sad, but more than anything it made us angry.

h.t: Today

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