Raising a pet will always have its challenges, but ultimately, it’s a rewarding endeavor. To watch a puppy or kitten grow up into a well-trained, loving adult pet not only gives you a feeling of pride but knowing that they’re happy is gratifying in itself.
The 26 before and after pictures below are a true testament to the effects a loving home has on a cat. Whether they were adopted as kittens or rescued from horrible situations, these kitties grew into happy, healthy adults!
#1. Still a couch potato.

#2. All grown up.

#3. From scared to confident – such lifted spirits!

#4. Too bad the sink didn’t grow with him.

#5. Some things never change.

#6. Some things never change.

#7. Sibling love.

#8. A happy ending.

#9. They got used to being tucked into bed at night.

#10. The most comfortable spot for this baby.

#11. Together through thick and thin.

#12. Trying to fit into the same bed.

#13. Just hanging.

#14. Still pursuing his dream to become a photographer.

#15. The laptop is still the warmest place to sit.

#16. Always looking over your shoulder.

#17. Pancake got in a very serious accident as a kitten. He is healthy and happy now!

#18. Keep your childhood toys with you. You never know when they’ll come in handy.

#19. Some objects just hold a special place in your heart.

#20. Taking up a lot of space now.

#21. Adorable back then, still adorable today!

#22. Forever and always.

#23. Walter, a year after being adopted.

#24. Two weeks old and abandoned in a gutter. He is living his best life now!

#25. It doesn’t always have to be a kitten. Adult cats deserve just as much love as kittens.