Humans and pets can build a strong bond. Sometimes, these four-legged friends make people feel like they find their soulmate. These animals may sense their owner’s feelings. They can give their humans comfort when they need it most. They run to you from somewhere, snuggle up to you, and look at you with innocent eyes. They are enough to heal any pain and warm up the coldest hearts.
In this post, we’re glad to share 28 pets who don’t want to leave their owners for a minute. They find their ways (tricks) to break the private space of their owners. But we can never stay mad at these “intruders”. They are so adorable as they often show off helpless and innocent face after doing anything. They just love your cuddle and care anywhere at any time. Let’s check them out!
#1. “Ladies and gents, I present my husband, who did not want a cat.”

#2. “My cat never leaves my side, so I gave him a chair to chill on while I bathe.”

#3. “This is Nova the night we got back from a festival — I don’t think we can ever leave again.”

#4. “What a shoulder cat looks like — also, notice the other one in the background.”

#5. “He can’t see me while lying down so he sticks one paw straight up so I can still interact with him.”

#6. “My dog is absolutely in love with my girlfriend and never leaves her side.”

#7. “Leo likes to sit like this and watch me brush my teeth.”

#8. “We let him come inside during a hurricane. He hasn’t left.”

#9. “I said hi to our dog over the phone. She could not figure out where I was so she went to the gate and waited for me.”

#10. “I see this little face staring up at me every time I’m on my laptop.”

#11. “He likes to be close. Very close…”

#12. “My cats don’t like that I go to work so early in the morning now, so they apparently staged an intervention.”

#13. “He thinks he’s a lapdog.”

#14. “My 5 good girls follow me everywhere.”

#15. “My pig runs to sit on my lap every chance he gets.”

#16. “This is how Loaf wakes me up every morning.”

#17. “My chinchilla and his favorite spot to do his chinchilling”

#18. “We no longer have shower privacy in the house thanks to this team right here.”

#19. “My dogs waiting outside my door for me to wake up”

#20. “Taken one year apart but some things never change.”

#21. “115 lb of a 9-month-old lap dog who’s terrified of everything”

#22. “My cat wakes me up every morning by putting one paw on my face until I respond.”