Cats rule the internet because they are cute, self-possessed, arrogant, and pompous. It sounds crazy but the fact that everyone is obsessed with mischievous and aloof creature like cats. No matter how silly and crazy they are, we can’t resist them and still love them so much.
Here are some of the most hilarious photos of cats that are going viral and taking the internet by storm. We are sure that these photos will put a smile on your face and make your day brighter! Scroll down to see for yourself!
1. The dogs know who rules the house… its the kid with the knives for fingers.

2. This cat rules Mount Olympus.

3. “I am gonna pee in your bed.. later.”

4. “Ahem. My bowl is empty.”

5. Watermeowlon.

6. Meercats!

7. That look on his face. It’s as if he’s wondering how that kitty is going to get down without scratching his scalp off.

8. No!!! I already threw the gun away.

9. Show this to Penn and Teller!

10. Success!

11. And, he’s still walking upright!

12. If you release The Power Of The Paw, you might fall victim to the Wrath Of The Claw!

13. “YOU fits you sits!”

14. “Even after all this time, I still fits.”

15. The kitty is smiling, as is his likeness.