Paws Planet

15 Hilarious Cats Who Behave Exactly Like Us at Work

Pets are great. They entertain us, protect us, and love us unconditionally, and sometimes animals behave almost exactly like us. They get angry when they don’t like something, and you can see the reflection of yourself in some of their furry little faces.

Here are 15 of the most adorable cats who brilliantly mimic the way we behave at work. Scroll down to enjoy, and please share with your friends and family!

#1. That face when you start a new job and can’t remember anyone’s name

#2. When your boss has a new favourite employee

#3. When someone tells you the latest gossip

#4. When your boss tells a really lame joke

#5. When you realise that tomorrow is the weekend

#6. When you get told your wages will come late

#7 …and when you get them!

#8. When you get that funny email from your friend about your boss

#9 …and accidentally send it to them!

#10. When you work really hard on a project but then it flops at the last hurdle

#11. When everyone keeps coming to you with questions

#12. When you’re too tired to work

#13. When you know exactly who ate your lunch

#14. Your reaction when you realise your boss is on holiday

#15. When you just enjoy your weekend

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