
10+ Pics Of Cats Using Your Carefully Chosen Gifts

Cats are known to be very smart creatures. You can’t ignore how an ancient civilization started worshiping cats! So when you check out these pictures below, don’t just assume that the cats are being dumb. Instead, try to understand the deeper meaning! and only if you do so you’ll imagine your cat saying. “We don’t like your gifts. Even if we do, we’re not going to let you know!”

Do you have a cat that never seems to like the things you gift him? Don’t panic, they probably would have done the same with the pyramids. Feel free to share the pictures of your cat with your rejected present. Just kidding.

Don’t forget to comment!

#1 Using the food tray so efficiently!

#2 I gifted my cat a cute little bed, but it always wants to sleep in in my baby’s cot.

#3 I bought her a pretty bed, she likes to sleep here instead.

#4 Sleeping in a plastic bag? What about that bed I bought last week?

#5 Yet another cat that totally rejected the bed bought by its owner.

#6 Another one…

#7 Another one, but this one knows how to make it obvious.

#8 Look at that thing on the left of where its sitting…

#9 Well, well, well…

#10 This cat probably didn’t like the couch its owner bought her.

10+ Adorable Cats That Have Googly Eyes, Yet Loved

10+ Doodled Pictures Of A Cat Posted By Random People That Actually Look Pretty Cool