Having a pet definitely add some flavors to your life, along with responsibility, of course. Then will having multiple pets at the same time means greater joy? These 10+ people will give you the perfect picture.
If you do own more that 3 pets, please share your experience in the comments!
#1 Internal scream.

#2 Meet Bob, the lovely Golden Retriever, who lives With a flock of 8 birds and a hamster.

#3 Who said cats and dogs don’t get along?

#4 They couldn’t leave their owner alone.

#5 Look at this flock of 12 cats!

#6 Steve is living a great life with senior dog rescues, Bikini the pig, Stuart the rabbit, and other animals.

#7 Girlfriend and I have 5 cats and 2 dogs that all love to sleep with us at night… Solution? We made an 11ft king + full mega bed!

#8 It’s just 3 dogs… Wait!

#9 This was their faces after I walked in the room and yelled, “Ok, who did it?”

#10 They look like an accomplished rap group.