As we all know, pets are more than just our furry companions; they can provide us with numerous benefits. However, pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibility and costs. They rely on you for their quality of life, and you need to ensure their physical and emotional needs are met. So, if you don’t feel you would be able to give them as much love, care, and sensitivity, you should reconsider the idea of being a pet parent altogether.
Sadly, not everyone thinks like this. There are a lot of cases where pets have been abandoned and abused by their owners. For this reason, we collected a list of shame pictures, showing the times when pet owners were jerks not only to their poor animals but to society at large. These people don’t deserve to own a pet and be let anywhere near an animal again.
After all, having a pet is a great responsibility. And we just want to say that pets aren’t toys; they deserve adequate care from their owners. Scroll down to see, and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts in the comments.
#1 My Neighbour Was Evicted And Left The Family Cat. Looks Like I Have A New Cat

#2 More Evil Than Trashy, But Still Applies…

#3 This Is Honestly Sad

#4 Just Evicted One Of The Worst Tenants Ever And Took Their Mother Leaving These Poor Kittens Without Food And Water For About Week. They’re Now Safe At My Own Place. Looking To Rehome Them Soon

#5 For Years, Vegan Blogger Sonia Sae Has Been Allegedly Raising Her Pet Fox Jumanji On A Vegan Diet Because She Thinks That All Species Are Equals

#6 This Is My Co-Workers Dog. Seriously

#7 Someone Stored Their Dog

#8 South Ca’kalakee Facebook

#9 Getting Rid Of Your Dog Because You Got A New Puppy

#10 Friend Just Sent Me This Photo Of A Dog They Found While Driving By A Construction Site

#11 Every Day My Neighbor Throws A Bag Of Dog [poop] From Their Porch Into The Trees

#12 This Woman Dumping Her Dog In My Best Friends Front Garden…

#13 This Is My Friend’s Grandmother’s Dog, She Feeds It 2 Hotdogs Every Morning With Mustard

#14 These Are The Type Of People Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Have Pets Whatsoever

#15 Woman Gets Tired Of Caring For Dog So Decides To Let It Run Away. Becomes Upset When Neighbor Brings The Dog Back