Paws Planet

10+ Hilarious Pictures Of Cats Sitting On A Glass Table

If you are a cat owner, you know that our furry friends love to jump and sit on tables or other pieces of furniture that they’re able to reach. The reason is that cats tend to enjoy elevated places, and tables are one of the highest things in the house. So, if you find your cat on a glass table, it’s just their simple hobby.

However, you can’t deny that a cat on a glass table is very funny. Our kitties look quite hilarious when we see them from underneath a glass table. They allow us to see the world through a new lens. That is why cats on glass tables are one of the most interesting things to watch on the internet.

Thankfully, lots of pet owners have captured hilarious pictures of cats on glass tables and shared them on social media. So, we have collected the best photos of cats sitting on glass tables below. After enjoying these pictures, I’m sure that all cat owners need a glass table in their house. Scroll down to enjoy!

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