Paws Planet

10+ Cat Moments Of Where They Prove To Be Totally Dunce

#21 This cat who has a resting bitch face.

#22 This Bully who thinks she got caught and walk away quietly as if she didn’t do anything.

#23 This cat who’s not polite at all, not even with her mother.

#24 This mum threw her kitty off of the shelf while caressing it…

#25 “You’re not allowed to keep more than one pet. This is what happens if you break the rules.”

#26 The cat who copies its human’s action (exaggerates x10000).

#27 This cat who literally slapped her admirer just for taking a picture with her.

#28 “I was just playing hide n seek.”

#29 This cat who has ZERO interest in cute, fluffy things.