When it comes to having a pet around a baby, this is a situation that can cause concern for some people. In fact, however, pets are likely to improve your children’s development and may have a major influence on children’s social skills and emotional well-being.
These pictures today will prove that it’s so great to have a pet near your child, even if this friend has fur and doesn’t understand the human language. And it’s even better if your babies have had such a friend since they were children.
It’s amazing when pets turn into loyal babysitters once a baby appears in the house. Scroll down to enjoy!
#1. Someone realized they weren’t an only child anymore

#2. My daughter and her kitten sleep like this

#3. This is my son helping my dog inside

#4. My cat and his friend

#5. Happy dog, unhappy baby. The baby is learning to make compromises

#6. Happy dog, unhappy baby. The baby is learning to make compromises

#7. The baby was crying while I was in the bathroom but suddenly stopped. I came out to find this

#8. My 3-year-old asked for a kitten for Christmas. They became instant best friends and are inseparable now

#9. My boy Lucky was there for my first day of kindergarten and my senior portrait

#10. 17 years later. Still my favorite cat

#11. Went upstairs to find my 4-year-old reading to our cat

#12. If you hug one of us, you have to hug all of us

#13. When I was younger, I used to take my cat for ’piggyback rides’ around the garage after school. He loved it

#14. A walking cloud and his little friends

#15. My daughter bought our rabbit a doll bed

#16. They sleep together so well

#17. Had trouble finding the cat, gave up, then checked on my daughter

#18. My son loves our dogs. They love him too

#19. Looks like this boy doesn’t need a pony

#20. Daughter fell asleep. Dogs keep her warm and safe

#21. They wanted to show off their beautiful smiles